
30- Bloodlines

Ugh. The first half is a crime drama in the vein of Shock SuspenStories, only it's really bad. A guy escapes from prison and terrorizes his family. His son fights back. That's about it. It must have sounded better when it was pitched in some filthy corporate story pitching room. The execs greenlighting it were probably like, "Stuff happens? Fine, film it. Here's $40. It airs next Thursday."

The second half is the worst OMEN ripoff I've ever seen, and I've seen quite a few. The little girl who Mommy believes is the Antichrist even has a rottweiler and a scene where she makes someone fall off a second-floor railing. There's a dream sequence where they discover the kid's mother was a jackal. All IDENTICAL TO THE OMEN. They just didn't care.


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